limping cat

There was growing concern last night over the condition of the resident cat at Number 11 Downing Street, home of Chancellor Of The Exchequer, George Osborne, after it was spotted walking with a pronounced limp following the defeat of the government’s bill to slash tax credits for working families in The House of Lords on Monday.

A number of eye witnesses reported seeing the tortoiseshell feline limping down Downing Street just hours after the Chancellor had returned home late on Monday evening, following the bill’s rejection by Labour and Lib Dem peers – the first time a finance bill had been thrown out in 100 years.

An American tourist, who was taking photographs outside Number 10 on Monday evening, reported hearing a series of thuds followed by loud meowing shortly after Osborne’s return.

“I have to say that Mr Osborne didn’t look very happy as he got out of the limo that evening. He slammed the car door and then just stormed into number 11. He didn’t even acknowledge the police officers outside the door when they said good evening. Almost immediately, I heard muffled bangs and what sounded like an animal mewling with pain. The door was then thrown open and I saw this tortoiseshell cat tossed out onto the sidewalk. It then took off down the street and seemed to be carrying one of its back legs. I then heard raised voices from inside the house.  A woman then came out carrying a bowl of food and began calling after it but the poor little guy just went and hid behind some garbage cans”

This latest incident comes just a day after a dog belonging to Formula 1 driver, Nico Rosberg, was taken to a veterinary surgeon with facial injuries after the German ace had lost his bid to become world driver champion to British rival, Lewis Hamilton, on Sunday in The United States Grand Prix.

Danny SoZ aged 19.


Filed under Satire


  1. Pussy abuse eh? I’ve known grown women pay good money for that…in all probability.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sure the Moggie’s condition and the cat-shaped dent in the front of George Osborne’s right shoe are entirely unrelated.
