
SoZ Satire was formed from bits of plastic and some string during the long hot summer of 1888 in Whitechapel East London. In those days, our writers used to roam the streets wearing long cloaks and top hats, murdering and mutilating ladies of the night on an almost weekly basis.

However, we’ve calmed down a bit now and just write satire for the most part. Having said that, we do nip out for a relaxing bout of mutilating if it’s a bank holiday or The Queen’s birthday.

We’re all Londoners, we’re all partial to a glass or two of something warming, and hopefully we’re all quite funny.However, we’ll leave you to be the judge of that dear readers.

We have also recently been voted “The Erotica-Loving Taxi Driver’s Softcore Grumble Mag Of Choice” So check us out and see what all the fuss is about why doncha?

All the best from Team SoZ 🙂

124 responses to “About

  1. Hello newest Spikey! I know, a bit corny, eh, but that’s the term that has come to stick for those folk who are part of the clan known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    Thank you… I really appreciate that as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.

    My aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations on life as I see it, thrown in for good measure.

    My promise to you is not to be overbearing, just a couple of posts a day, maybe 3 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Uncle Spike. I’m an old dyed in the wool fan of your excellent, life-affirming blog. You may remember me in my former guise of Soz Satire. You don’t? Me neither! 😦
      Looking forward to enjoying your gentle ruminations and excellent photography once more sir.

      Kind Regards



  2. Mike, it’s hard to believe there are two more like you! I thought you were one of a kind. 😉 I will enjoy following you and your chaps along here as well. 😀


    • I do apologise Rachel but I’m afraid Mike is unable to reply to your greeting as Shirley has him bound, gagged and chained helplessly to a wall in their Dungeon Of Wistful Sighs.
      Therefore allow me to thank you for following our blog and for your extremely questionable judgement in so-doing.
      Yours In Complete Freedom From Shackles


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for following my blog, I have read your site and know that I am going to enjoy following you. Ann


  4. 🙂 Looking forward to new posts..I know I am going to love them


  5. Well, I’m not a Londoner, but I think I know someone who lives in London, if that makes any difference. I thank you for deciding to follow my work, and perhaps it’s because you read The Pet Door, or: There Never Was a More Serious Matter.

    Satire is the most important attire anyone can put on each day. Mine pokes at the US, which is probably unfair, as it is such fertile territory.

    As we said in the 60s and 70s, write on!


  6. I don’t appreciate your penchant for raping and pillaging … you DO rape and pillage, do you not? Oh, I do hope so. Otherwise, who would fill the void as the object of my insatiable wrath?

    By the by, thanks for following my occasionally humble blog.


  7. Thanks for following me! Looking forward to reading your work!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. eileen049

    Thank you so much for the follow. I’m just sorry I didn’t find you all first. You are a hoot!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks so much for the follow. Hope it continues to give you an occasional chuckle.


  10. Liz

    Hi! Thanks for following me! And in true, stalker-like fashion, I’m now going to start following you. However, let’s keep the mutilation at a minimum. ‘Kay?


  11. Hello there. I just wanted to drop by and thank you for following my blog. I also wanted to wish you the best of luck in your future blogging.


  12. thanks for following my blog and turning me on to a piss poor excuse for humour – shall pass it on to all of my sick friends – unfortunately living in mexico a warm mug is out of the question but a good laugh is always welcome


  13. Wow! This place is on fire! Totally deservedly so. Great bunch of satire/humorist and lovely men with it. I nearly wrote ‘gentle-men’ but caught myself! 😀

    Which one of you do I see about payment?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks for following me at Triggershorse. – Fawn


  15. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.. I just visited your blog here, Its just superb… I enjoyed reading all your posts… Looking forward to read more, as I’m your new follower now… 🙂


  16. Not sure why you stopped by and followed my blog … not that I’m complaining … I deeply appreciate the follow. 😉
    However, consider me a sheep (not that I am sheep, you know that, right?); I will be following the herd for future posts and stories. 🙂


  17. Many thanks for the follow! I hope you will return again soon and enjoy my blog! Big smiles. . . . .


  18. Thanks for the follow. I love your about page–a lot of character and personality. Cheers.


  19. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Guys, you have the most hilarious blog going on here and the pics are awesome! 🙂 Cheers!


  20. Master Red appreciates your stopping by the blog and for following

    It gave me a chance to discover your blog as well

    Many thanks,
    Nuttnhoney aka Master Red


  21. “I saw no one,” he said. “That is what you may expect to see when I follow you.” — Sherlock Holmes
    Thanks for following me! High praise indeed from real live Londoners! — M.Vernet


    • You’re very welcome. Any aficionado of the great Baker Street sleuth is ok with me!

      If I might just correct you on one small point? I’m a real live Londoner the other two are in a kind of barren hinterland twixt drunkeness and The Grim Reaper 🙂



  22. I think I’ve been there. It’s North of Detroit, right?
    Greetings From Michigan, USA

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks for the follow lads, it’s very encouraging.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. It seems like only yesterday that I was commenting to a fellow blogger about the bizarre folks who have begun following my blog. I’m not sure you reached the level of the necropheliac, but you seem way more interesting than the Restless Plumber.

    Besides, I LOVE London. It was my first overseas trip — I’m ‘Merican and most of us don’t venture anyplace where they speak the, ummm, Queen’s English (with all those extra u s).

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Queen’s English you say? You obviously haven’t listened in to myself and big Gary on the “dog and bone”. Are you familiar with the screen actor Ray Winstone? Well we sound a bit like him but without that air of refinement 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  25. I always wondered about good old Jack. Why those women and how come no one noticed the killings. Also why mutilate. The clues abound and yet never solved. I believe their was some who knew the truth but it was kept under covers.


    • I always suspected it was my great grandfather you know. He owned a cloak, a butcher’s knife AND he used to travel around Whitechapel in a hansome cab. Mind you he was a Whitechapel butcher with a bad leg who used to feel the cold quite a lot 😦



  26. If yo u are into gansgters – ex – cons and NYC street life you might enjoy this book of mine ! http://www.scribd.com/doc/218807150/Park-Avenue-to-Park-Bench


  27. chinahand11

    Dear League of Mentals,
    I high school classmate of mine, who I haven’t seen in 40 years, recently posted a picture of herself with a granddaughter on Facebook. I thought it would be funny if I posted “Who’s the fat lady with the hot chick?” So my former classmate de-friended me. I think there is a misunderstanding. What do you think I should do?
    Your fan,


  28. Victoria

    Thanks so much for the follow!


  29. Thanks for following WordBowlbyMsCharlieS.com and introducing me to your wicked wit. I look forward to seeing what you get up to next (from a safe distance, of course)…


  30. I wish I was a Londoner, so then I could join your fine league! 🙂


  31. I hear you blokes are having a bit of trouble following my blog. I was able to follow yours, so let’s see what is going on. I’m going to post a link to one of my posts right here:http://variouspontifications.com/2014/04/22/vintage-photos-of-people-from-the-bible/ Let me know if it opens when clicked on.


  32. Ya had me at ‘mental’ and ‘plastic’.
    “All aboard!”


  33. Glad you’ve joined my crew of followers, I can always use more scurvey lads! Arrrr…
    Really, you’re funny, even if I only get about half of what you’re talking about. I guess I just don’t know enough about British stuff to understand it all. I was only in London once a looong time ago. 😉


  34. Interesting…thanks for following my blog. I will follow yours as well. beebeesworld


  35. Hilarious! You guys are great. Thanks for following my blog. 😉


  36. Hello there.

    I got nominated for Liebster and would like to nominate you as well.
    The link is as below. Do feel free to participate if you like 🙂

    Liebster Award


    • I say! That’s jolly decent of you old chap! Do we have to “do” anything? If so I’ll get the others on it straight away!
      If there’s a cash prize could you ensure it’s sent to me so that I can look after it properly? Thanks 🙂



      • The mission sir is open to you. You may assemble the team as you wish!
        I’ll talk to the accountant about the prize delivery. You know how Old Maggie is with the books. 😉


      • Indeed I do my good friend! Now while I’m far too lazy to answer and pose all the necessary questions, I reckon there’s a more than decent chance that old Mike or even older Gaz will be up for this one. In the meantime thank you for your kindness in putting our ropey old blog up for the award. I’ve read your blog and you are indeed one of the good guys 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  37. Mentals, thanks for following me on Cold. If you love satire, try http://www.cocoh.net


  38. Thank you for the follow! Pretty funny post here.


  39. thanks for the follow..your blog is hilarious..lilly


  40. Looks like fun over here at your site.


  41. So because unicorns are real and Pillsbury is secretly hoarding the world’s largest supply of jelly beans… Sorry, I got distracted. Anyway, I nominated your blog for an award. Disregard the “lovely” bit if you like, I just think your articles are highly amusing.
    Read about it (or don’t) here: http://wp.me/p4LWS6-39

    Good day.


  42. Sorry, I was just looking for the toilet and I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and entered this site rather than http://www.poshlavatories.com. I couldn’t use yours could I? Oh, and you’d better give it five minutes afterwards… curry last night you see.


  43. Daleen

    Who hunts dogs and why and what type of dog am I allowed to be and can I choose, seeing that I should be allowed a last wish and such. Now that I’ve got that off my chest: I enjoy the name of your blog. I know some bra-burning person will feel upset by the ‘benevolent sexism’ of it all – not noticing what it implies, only that it has the ‘M’ word in it. I will get around to its contents in a second. Hi Mike Steeden! Yous get around, dun yous?(I’m still being taught English by a friend)


    • Taught English by a fiend eh? Couldn’t you have found a nice, friendly person to give you tuition? I’m afraid Mike can’t answer this as he’s learning Mandarin Chinese at Sussex University so that he can exchange heartening, supportive comments with a Beijing blogger he’s started following. Thanks for the follow btw. You won’t regret it…in all probablity.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Daleen

        All lies! Mike was buying fags in Belgium today, I’ll have you know


      • “Buying fags” ??? Now look here, I’m sorry but we dont permit crude American pejoratives at The League Of Mental Men. Here, we like to refer to them as ‘gentlemen of the gay persuasion’ And in any case, what Steeden does with the pocket money his old woman gives him is surely his own affair! Outrageous! 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • Daleen

        Really? ‘Them’? Do you still put labels on people? I will refer you to Sir John Lennon and hope you join the dreamers among us… This must be the worst insult I have received all year! I’ll have you know I do not, and never will, speak ‘American’ as it is not a language but a dialect and I do not care who feels offended by this statement. There is only one dictionary for the English language and that is the OED. The rest should be burnt. And if Sir Steeden wishes to buy a ball of seasoned chopped liver, it is indeed his business, but then I would have said ‘faggot’. I am specific. I used slang because typing out the word ‘cigarettes’ when the bladder is at its very brim, can create so much of an inconvenience. ‘Old woman’! Why not say ‘wench’ and get it done with? But I will leave Shirley to defend herself as she is more than capable, for sure. Outrageous indeed!

        Liked by 1 person

  44. Hello! This is Amreen Shaikh from Paint The World With Words & thank you for the follow!
    You’ve an amazing blog and wonderful posts!
    I wished to contact you, but did not find a suitable contact ID, so could you please drop in your email ID on painttheworldwithwords@gmail.com


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